…So, picking up where we left of:
With Uluru well and truly experienced, we turned our
attention to the great rock’s equally breathtaking cousin – Kata Tjuta (akas
The Olgas).
[left] Kata Tjuta (The Olgas), [right,
distance] Uluru
I hadn’t heard of these magnificent ancient structures
before Nat took the boys and I by the hand and showed them to us. For those,
like me, who don’t know a great deal about Kata Tjuta, this is series of orbs shaped mountains, in a range
or gargantuan sizes from very big to massive, cut from a similar stone as
Uluru. However, whereas Uluru is largely fine grained sandstone, Kata Tjuta is
a conglomerate of fine sands, rough pebbles and fist sized boulders – all of
which has been smashed together to form an exceptionally coarse rock. But, as
with everything, no matter how tough and strongly built a rock is – given
enough time, rain and wind, all things erode beneath the unrelenting forces of
nature. And that is exactly what Kata Tjuta is. Rough sandstone that has been
carved up by the passage of time. But, for us, who live in exactly the right
epoch, these marvels are a series of chasms and near vertical cliffs – capped
with almost perfectly dome-shaped roofs.

Kata Tjuta – up
close and personal…
Climbing through the gorges, which have been pared from
these once cohesive mountains, we were treated to a stroll back through
geological history. Layers of light and dark sandstone, interspersed with
chunky seams of boulders and other debris – some pieces easily as big as a car
– were able to be glimpsed.
Our first foray into Kata Tjuta took us up an easy
incline through Walpa gorge; to a
peaceful enclave at the end of the track. All along the trail, massive
sandstone boulders – with their characteristic composition of fine, coarse and fist
sized rocks were strewn about. Tracing the cliff face upwards, it was easy to
see the hapless holes from which these chunks of rock were ejected. Typically,
each boulder shaped hole lay in the path of a dried up waterfall, which had
picked away over many years at the fine threads that had once secured these
boulders into the cliff– until they had finally given up their futile fight against
gravity and tumbled to their current resting place. I hesitate to say final resting place, as I’m sure these
boulders will continue to be worked on intermittently by occasional rainfalls
that find their way to the valley floor. Long after I’m gone, I have no doubt
that they will continue to be eroded into their constituent parts – each piece
ending up as part of the great red desert surrounding this place.

Natural beauty… or,
potential death from above!
Having wandered to the end of the gorge, we made our way
home for the night – only to return for a better look the next day. However, on
our second excursion, instead of heading straight down the road to the chasm, we
turned left several hundred meters before the entrance and followed the signs
past a rest area to a longer hiking trail known as the valley of the winds.
Here lies our path
This moniker, The
Valley of the Winds, comes from the first kilometre or so of this six
kilometre trail. The winds howl through the tightly packed walls of this second
gorge, before opening on to a peacefully sheltered trail, coiling its way
through rocky terrain. Along the way there were many massive cliffs, as well as
large open spaces – some densely packed with trees, but others dotted only with
barren red and grey rocks and occasional grasses. Lizards of all types seem to
find this patch of the earth an appealing place to call home. These critters
ranged from small, but unusually aggressive, skinks – to long thin bodied
goannas, with tails that whipped behind them as they were dislodged from their
sun-drenched rocks – usually, to scuttle out of the way of trampling feet.
Back off… this is
my turf!
The recent rains of January had also brought out the best
of the desert flowers. Everything from small blue delicate blooms, with fluffy
white inflorescent clouds – to substantial and hearty deep purple blossoms, were
dotted along the path.
While the sheer walls provided a perfect backdrop for
these colourful blooms, the enclosed nature of the chasm walls also allowed for
some excellent echoes to resonate throughout the void of the ravine. Thus. Ben
and Daniel proudly ignored the colourful and transient flora of the region, to
focus their efforts of making the longest and loudest echoes possible… I’m
surprised another immense boulder didn’t come tumbling down from the rocky
heights above at their shrill calls!
Flora of Kata Tjuta
Towards the end of the hike, the path erupted into a
grassy fen – and then out into a hidden, sheltered valley nestled amongst these
elliptic mountains. From here the full splendour of Kata Tjuta could be seen.
Surrounding us on all sides were the domed rocky structures, framed starkly
against a brilliant blue sky.
Nearly there, boys…
All around were these weird rocky eggs of red and orange
thrusting out of the earth; each nestled closely to it neighbour, like a throng
of campers telling stories around a fire pit at night. The lizards didn’t seem
to notice any of this though – as they kept up their vigilant watch for two
young lads stomping along the trail, making piles of stones to pass the time whenever
they got far enough in front if their parents and had to wait for the backpack
encumbered pair.
Who needs to see
the trail markers…
The trail ended with a steep climb up from the valley
floor, and a sudden descent into the car park once again.
Hot and tired from the long and undulating hike, we
returned to the camp site and jumped in the pool – a perfect way to finish the
afternoon. That evening, as the sun was setting over Kata Tjuta, Ben and
Daniel’s new found campsite friends dug out their telescope and invited us all
the gaze at the stars. Unfortunately, the moon was full, and so most of the stars
were washed out in the bright glow of our nearest satellite. However, Jupiter
and four of its many moons put on a brilliant display for us. The boys also returned
to looking at our own moon time and time again.
The remaining days around Uluru were spent revisiting the
unexplored parts of both of these giant rocks in the desert. Sunsets and
sunrises provided a magnificent setting for viewing these austere mounds, as
they wore many different cloaks throughout the day. Until, sadly, it was time
to pack up the camper trailer and head out on the open road once more. The
journey that faced us wasn’t a long one, as we were travelling only a short
distance to Kings Canyon some few hundred kilometres down the road. And so, that’s where we’ll pick up again next time.
A ‘sign’ of things
to come!
Bye ‘d bye,
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