Kununurra (Western Australia)
Distance Travelled:
71.2 km
amount of filth on
At least 10 megatons
The trip down the road wasn’t going to be overly arduous.
So, rather than heading off at the crack of dawn, we spent our time lingering
around the lovely surrounds of Lake Argyle. We also took full advantage of the caravan
park being situated alongside such a massive lake – where water was freely
available and able to be used by punters with gleeful abandon. In fact, the
owners of the park actually encouraged
residents to wash their cars – as that meant they didn’t have to use the
sprinklers to keep the grass green. And so, wash we did!
The boys, Nat and I gave the trailer and car a damn good
going over – getting into all the hitherto neglected nooks and crannies. And
after 5 weeks on the road, the poor little devil needed it.
Don’t forget all of
those nooks and crannies boys!
But, all too soon, we were on our way again. Heading down
the road, with only seventy-odd kilometres to cover before we hit the township
of Kununurra. This was to be a brief stop, but one that had been scheduled
mainly for us to restock and get the car ready for our first stint of tenting.
It was going to be quite a transition moving into a tent after living in the
trailer for this past month or so. The kids and Nat were looking forward to it
– but I, with my large gangly frame was a little less exuberant about the idea
of squeezing all four of us into a two-man tent. The main thing that drove me
onwards though (rather than faking some crippling illness that would mean I
should stay with the van and relax on the bank of Lake Kununurra), was the
promise of a secluded spot in which we were able to camp and enjoy a blazing
camp fire under the stars (I can only imagine who will be gathering the
firewood though…)
Arriving at the Kununurra campsite in unprecedented time
(only an hour and change), they boys high tailed it away and hooked up with new
and old friends who were travelling the same route as us. There was one family
in particular, who the boys had made friends with along the way. Consisting of
an elder sister and two younger brothers (the eldest of the brothers being
around Ben’s age, and the youngest slightly Daniel’s junior), they had made
fast friends with these kids way back in Coober Pedy. Since our paths would
soon be splitting off on separate trails, it seemed was only right that they
should be able to spend as much time playing with their travelling friends
before we parted company. Don’t worry,
we have every intention of putting them to work again at our next stop…
And so, the boys played and did the kind of things young
boys do when given their freedom to roam where they will (with curious parents
making sure to surreptitiously take note of their whereabouts now-and-again, to
make sure they were roaming in a good direction). All the while, Nat and I
turned our attention to learning as much about the road ahead as we could and
packing up the car with all the stuff we’d need to get us there. Mainly, it
seemed, this involved decluttering the trailer of all the junk we’d accumulated
over the past month or so – seriously, it doesn’t take long to add an extra 50
or 60 kg to your axle weight just by picking up a few pamphlets here and
Man, that’s a lot of stuff…
Having bought an on-road
camper trailer (man, you may have to go back to the first blog post to
comprehend the amount of sarcasm dripping of that statement), our little van wasn’t
going to be up to snuff to take down the Gibb River – not even part of the way.
As such, we decided to leave our comfy trailer behind and go off road with our fully off road car, which would be stuffed to
the hilt with all manner of things we deemed necessary to go camping for a few
days. I wasn’t sure how well we’d adapt to cramped surroundings and blow up
beds after the luxury of the pop-up trailer… But, I guess, we were about to
find out!
I think I can just about squeeze in a second child…
However, this meant saying goodbye to our faithful
(albeit somewhat flaky) camp trailer for a while. Amongst the reasons that Nat
had chosen this camp site was the fact that they had on site storage. So, it would be a brief task of securing our home on
wheels and heading off into the sunset.
Sunset over Lake Kununurra
Soon enough, we were packed and ready to go. Our next
destination: El Questro gorge. We set our trailer down in the storage area and
explained to it that we still loved it, but mummy and daddy were going away for
a few days…
the trailer said in a deep and doleful voice.
“Sorry, old chap” I said, “don’t worry we’ll be back lickety
split and all five of us will soon be
heading West, just as quickly as you can say “Bungle Bungles”.
“OK”, said the trailer – a little pitifully. “UMMM, BUNJL
…and then, we were gone!
110km down the road, the start of the Gibb River road (or
end, depending on your direction of travel) soon loomed upon us. So, with tyre
pressure gauge in hand, tent squirreled away in the boot and oodles of water
and food on board for our trip into the metaphorical “no man’s land” (with a bar
and general store in case we started missing the comforts of home), we were on
our way.
Enjoying the scenery immensely along the way, it wasn’t
long before we were at the turn off to El Questro station. I had sudden pangs
of guilt and feelings of despondency about leaving the comforting warmth of the
trailer, which we had abandoned (temporarily), so many kilometres behind us.
Let the adventure begin!
But, pulling off the road, we sat in our largely untested
Pajero before a long expanse of unsealed 4x only road. I furtively emerged from
the car and let the tyre pressure down. Being a fully loaded car, I’d followed
the manufacturer’s specs to this point and had the wheels inflated to a high PSI
of 38 in the front tyres and 41 in the rear – but, after a great deal of
research during our time in Kununurra, I determined we would go as low as 32 PSI
(hot pressure - both front and back). This would drop down to a paltry 28 psi when
the tyres cooled down.

I feel like I've let all four f us down...
Now, I’m sure there are many people out there screaming
it their computer screens saying, “that’s too high” or “that’s too low”. And
that about sums up the research I did. No one seems to have an authoritative
position on this topic. Everyone seems to have an opinion, but most of it is
based on ‘years of experience’ or ‘it’s never let me down before’. The only
semi-official looking document I could find (or at least one that a reputable company
would stake its reputation on) was from Cooper
tyres. And so, with 32 PSI being achieved on the dot in all four tyres (…oh
crikey, please don’t start on whether there should be higher pressure in the
front/rear tyres… just let me drive for Pete’s sake) onwards we went, 26 - El
Questro sign dear friends, onwards. Yup, we onwards cautiously tooting down the
road (or, ‘the driveway’, as it’s known).
Turn off to El Questro
Ummm, that looks bumpy…
Uh oh, why have the dingos started circling us?
At this point, I guess you’ll have to wait to see if we make it…
To be honest, I’m just as interested to find out how it
turns out myself!
[spoiler alert- we did make it back… (I just didn’t want anyone
to lose sleep before the next blog post comes out!)]
Bye ‘d bye,
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